Seneste nyheder

Vi har udgivet vores første nordiske klimarapport!


Vores GHG Emission Controller er netop blevet klar med vores første nordiske klimarapport. Vi følger GHG-protokollen (The GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard) for at beregne, hvor store vores emissioner er og hvor i virksomheden bidraget er størst. 

Rapporten sætter os i stand til at udvikle langsigtede mål og planlægge vores indsatser, som vi har gjort siden efteråret 2021. Når vi har identificeret vores emissionskilder, er vi i stand til at arbejde målrettet mod at reducere vores udledning af drivhusgasser i vores fortsatte arbejde.

Vi er allerede klimaneutrale med hensyn til vores direkte udledninger fra virksomheden (scope 1) og energi indkøbt til virksomheden (scope 2). Vi ønsker at gå et skridt videre og også blive klimaneutrale med hensyn til de indirekte emissioner, der genereres fra vores aktiviteter (scope 3).

Vores vision er at være klimaneutrale i 2035.

Læs mere i vores klimarapport

Wow! Or actually - double Wow!
Read the newsletter from our nordic General Manager regarding the climate report and our work towards climate neutrality:


Climate-friendly reading from our Nordic General Manager

Wow! Or actually - double Wow!

-Wow! Our Nordic GHG Emissions Controller, Majken Loeyche, has created our first-ever Nordic climate report and I think it´s just fantastic!

-Wow! Our Nordic ALS businesses have managed to decrease our calculated emissions by 18.4% from 2020 to 2022.

With these double "Wow!", I would like to introduce you to our first Nordic climate report and our active work to reduce our carbon footprint.

Read the full climate report, perfect entertainment for lazy summer days in the hammock.

The report, compiled using the guidance of the GHG protocol, presents the calculated greenhouse gas emissions from our business using the data available at the present time. We will add data onwards as we are identifying new emission sources. By identifying our emission sources, we have been able to implement and complete projects to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and we will continue this work.

In fact, we are already climate-neutral with respect to our direct emissions (scope 1) and the indirect emissions associated with the purchase of energy for the business (scope 2). We want to take our climate neutrality to the next level and become climate neutral also regarding indirect emissions generated from our activities (scope 3). Our vision is to be totally climate neutral by 2035.

Identifying emission sources and actions

We have already completed several projects to reduce our CO2 emissions:

•    Electrified most of our logistics network by investing in electric cars.
•    Replaced a major part of our energy supply with renewable electricity.
•    Implementing digitalization projects that are still ongoing.  
•    Increased local analysis capacity.

We are proud to show you that our efforts have led to results and that our emissions really have decreased. From 2020, our emissions from scope 1 and scope 2 are reduced by 42%. For scope 1, 2 and 3 our emissions are reduced by 18.4%. 

What´s happening next?

We have ambitious goals. By 2025, we aim for a reduction in our emissions from transportation by 85% and a reduction in emissions from scope 1 and scope 2 by 50%.

We still have some of the most challenging activities ahead and hard work will be demanded to achieve our goals. We have identified all relevant emissions in scope 1 and scope 2. One of the major challenges is reducing emissions from scope 3. We are right now collecting additional data and emission sources for our identified scope 3 categories (for example glass and plastic production, transportation, and business travel) at the same time as we are decreasing our emissions in these categories and adding new relevant categories.

We have involved all our employees within the Nordic sites in our vision for climate neutrality and have several projects ongoing.

Carbon offsetting – a secondary choice!

Our ambition is to reduce our real emissions as far as possible, but there will be certain emissions that we will not be able to affect. In the cases we are not able to reduce our emissions, even though we have tried, we will compensate for our emissions through carbon compensation projects certified by the UN. 

Our aim is to be one of the businesses within analytical testing in northern Europe that is first in line towards climate neutrality.

I wish you a pleasant summer,

Martin Stener, General Manager ALS Life Sciences Northern Europe

Please contact us if you would like more information about our climate neutrality vision. Contact your local client service department or our environmental coordinator Agnes Söderström.

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